Yep, That's My Mommy


2021 Royal Dragonfly Book Award Winner: 2nd place, LGBTQ Category; Honorable Mention, Cultural Diversity Category and Picture Books, Ages 6 and Up Category.

Perfect for school-age children.

Miguel’s mommy loves him, just like other mommies love their children. As Miguel learns more about his mommy’s experience as a transgender parent, how will he react to children at school who mistakenly call her his “daddy”? This heartwarming story takes you through the seasons with Miguel and his mommy navigating the seemingly small moments in life that can be upsetting. They learn together how a little pride and affirmation can make all the difference when facing life’s challenges.

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What people are saying about “Yep, That’s My Mommy”

“While there is a growing number of child-focused books about the experience of being trans and gender diverse, there are few that capture the experience of having a transgender parent. Simple, yet poignant, "Yep, That's My Mommy" shows children how to positively handle other people's lack of understanding at the same time that it gives messages of affirmation, joy and pride.  What an important addition to children's literature.”

Dianne Berg, PhD LP

she/her pronouns
Assistant Professor

Co-Director, National Center for Gender Spectrum Health

Coordinator, Child and Adolescent Gender Services

Department of Family Medicine and Community Health

University of Minnesota Medical School

“This book is a personal account of how a mom explained being transgender to her child. This gives a short synopsis of what a young child might encounter with their peers and society about understanding gender identity. I would recommend this book to families with young children as a simple guide to engage in conversations about what it means to be transgender.”

Ali Dvorak

Kindergarten Educator, 27 years

“An essential piece of literature for every classroom. Families and people are different, and that’s okay! This story opens windows and doors into the world for even the youngest readers.”

Anna Twardowski

Elementary Educator

“It is important for children to learn about gender identity. Children are now living in a world where they are more likely to encounter a transgender classmate or see someone on t.v. The awareness and media visibility has increased. It’s never too early to teach children about diversity, children understand more than we realize. This book is an easy read and will benefit children and adults.”

Debra A. Ruff

Preschool Educator



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